About me

I am currently at post doctoral researcher at sky-lab (previously called RISE), UC Berkeley with Ion Stoica working on futuristic AI systems with a focus on efficiency. Previously, I did my Ph.D. at Rice University advised by Dr. Anshumali Shrivastava in 2024. Here is my thesis.

In a previous life, I used to be strategist at Tower Research Capital where I spent quite some time after graduating from IIT Kanpur in 2013. At IIT Kanpur, I was fortunate to work with Dr. Subhajit Roy, Dr. Mark Marron and Dr. Sumit Gulwani from Microsoft Research on Progamming Language research.


🤜 Paper accepted at KDD’25 : “IDentity with Locality: An Ideal Hash for Gene Sequence Search”. Congratulations to the team Gaurav Gupta, Tianyi Zhang and Anshumali Shrivastava Details coming soon! Heres the arxiv version. Listen to the Google LMPodcast* for this paper here:

🤜 Paper accepted at Neurips’24 : “Accelerating Inference with Fast and Expressive Sketch Structured Transform”. Congratulations to the team Kimia Saedi, Apoorv Walia, Keren Zhou, Jihyeong Li and Anshumali Shrivastava Github Page

Google LMPodcast:

🤝Serving on Program committee for KDD August 2024, ICLR 2024, AISTATS 2025

âť•For highlights of previous news .. refer to the CV

*LMPodcast is AI generated and hence imperfect.It often makes incorrect statements about the claims / results in the paper.